Monday, July 12, 2010

Arriving in Tahoe

I have been to Tahoe several times before both in winter to ski and in the summer while passing through. When I was young our family would load up in the family car with a rented trailer along with my grandmother and a friend I was allowed to bring along and head out west. I have many fond memories of these trips and it is probably the reason I still love to explore this country today. When we hit a particularly nice spot my mother would always say "I could live here". It became the family joke as there was not enough time in a lifetime to live in all the places she said this about. Well Tahoe is one of those places she liked and I am with her... I could live here! Climbing out of the desert of Nevada and crossing into the Tahoe basin is a thrill. The temps begin to drop and trees appear. Big tall conifers that smell like heaven. When you crest that pass and get the first view of the emerald Lake Tahoe it is a thrill that you don't forget. The lake is somewhere around 7,000 feet I think, so the air is dry, the temps are warm in the sun, but at night it cools down. Simply heavenly. MOM....I know you are here enjoying this with me.... "we could live here"! :-)

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