Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Emerald Bay

Tahoe.... WOW! I did not want to leave. This has to be one of my favorite spots in the country, if not my favorite. The weather is fantastic, all four seasons are present and the beauty of the place and friendliness of the people is just contageous. I truly did not want to leave, but today is Wednesday and I needed to make my way to Shasta Lake for the appointment on Thursday to have my seat made. On the way up around the west side of the lake I passed Emerald Bay. There is no need to explain why they call it this. It is simply stunning. The elevation of lake tahoe is about 6,200 feet and the lake is about 1,640 feet deep in its deepest place. Its average depth is very deep also as most of the lake is deep. For this reason it never freezes even though they get plenty of snow at all the ski resorts that ring the lake. It acts like a huge heat sinc holding all the heat from the summer sun. Well it must still be working on soaking up all that heat because swimming was cool, but extremely refreshing. Lake swimming is my favorite as you feel so clean when you get out. Here is a picture taken while driving up Rte 89 along the west side of the lake, looking out over Emerald Bay.

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