Thursday, July 8, 2010

Geographic Center of US

I never gave it much thought, but there is a spot that if you could put a pin in the lower 48 states of the US that the entire country would balance. Believe it or not someone calculated this as the Geographic center of the country and it is along highway 36 in Kansas. I was just tooling along the road enjoying the cooler temperatures and there was the marker. Just had to stop and take a picture. Now those of you that saw and heard the illustrious senator from Georgia on youtube questioning the head of the navy about his concern over us moving 25,000 more troops to Guam because he was afraid the island would tip over. (don't believe me, go to you tube and look up Guam and you will surely find it). Maybe I should write to that Senator and tell him that I am concerned with the number of Mexicans crossing our border. Heck, this marker might have to be moved to Oklahoma or Texas. :-)

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